Aeronautical Engineers perform and supervise engineering work concerned with the design, development, manufacture, maintenance and modification of aircraft for flight.
Registration or licensing may be required.
Job Duties:
InAustralia, the job duties of Aeronautical Engineers include:
Design aircraft, componentry and support equipment
Consult with aero-engine specialists to co-ordinate design of aircraft
Design modifications to systems, such as fuel or air conditioning, and outline installation procedures
Supervise the assembly of airframes and the installation of engines, instruments and other equipment
Carryout surveys of airframes and equipment and check for structural faults using laboratory or flight conditions
Ensure that aircraft are capable of meeting operational conditions by examining characteristics and evaluating flight tests
Investigate failed engines or other aviation components
Develop procedures for the repair of aviation components
Assess mechanical systems, flight characteristics and aircraft performance
Evaluate new and used aircraft and advise potential purchasers based on their findings
Employment Prospect
In Australia, most aeronautical engineering work involves aircraft modification and assessment of damage. Career opportunities exist with aerospace companies, aircraft manufacturers, aeronautical consulting services, the RAAF and the RAN. The Department of Defence employs aeronautical engineers in Defence Research Centres across the country. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority ( also employs aeronautical engineers to ensure compliance with design and certification standards, the functioning of associated electrical power plants and fuel systems, and overall airworthiness and flight handling in normal and emergency situations.
The Employment Facts of Aeronautical Engineers in Australia:
Future Growth: Strong
Full-Time Share: 93%
Average Hours: 44
Weekly Pay: AUD$2,155
Employment by state:
ACT: 7.5%
NSW: 26.2%
NT: 1.0%
QLD: 22.6%
SA: 8.1%
TAS: 0.0%
VIC: 32.8%
WA: 8.1%
Education Requirement
You need a bachelor degree in engineering majoring in aeronautical or aerospace engineering to work as an Aeronautical Engineer. It is also common to complete postgraduate studies.
Graduates may be eligible for membership of Engineers Australia. Visit their website for more details.
Education Level:
Postgraduate/Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate: 27.6%
Bachelor Degree: 54.4%
Diploma/Ad Diploma: 7.2%
Certificate III/IV: 7.7%
Year 12 and below: 3.1%
Related Course: Bachelor or Master Degree in aeronautical or aerospace engineering.;
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