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School crossing supervisor reveals hourly wage as state cries out for more workers

Source:Dimond Pony Trading Pty Ltd. Pubdate:28-Feb-2025 Author:Dimond Pony Trading Pty Ltd. Viewed:

A school crossing supervisor has revealed exactly how much she earns a week – with one state desperate for more people to take up the job.

A Queensland woman has revealed exactly how much she makes working as a school crossing supervisor, as one state in particular is begging people to join the industry.

The woman was stopped on the streets of Brisbane by jobs app Getahead, which works like Tinder by allowing users to swipe through companies in order to find their best fit.

Asked what she did for work and how much she makes the woman proudly declared she was a lollipop lady before adding that she makes around $32 an hour.

We only do an hour in the morning and half an hour in the afternoon and only Monday to Friday during school terms, she said.

With these hours that equates to about $240 a week, or $1200 a month.

The Brisbane local has been doing the job for about eight years, revealing she came into the role after getting to know a teacher who told her there was a crossing supervisor position available.

On my days off I used to go walking and this lady just liked my personality, she said.

Her favourite things about being a lollipop lady are the hours, the mornings, meeting and greeting people and being out in the environment.

Crossing supervisors are in high demand. Picture: George Salpigtidis

It comes as the NSW government has been calling out for school crossing supervisors, with more than 200 public schools across the state being left without dedicated lollipop people.

A report from The Daily Telegraph found that, as of September 2024, thee were 311 vacancies for school crossing supervisors in NSW.

Of these, 86 roles were being filled by casual staff or applicants going through pre-employment checks, meaning there were 225 schools left without dedicated supervisors.

The Getahead team also recently interviewed childcare workers, who revealed how much they make working as casuals in the industry.

One woman revealed she makes $33 an hour as a level one casual childcare worker.

I don't have a qualification yet, I am working towards it. After that I get a pay rise, of course, she said.

The woman revealed she is in Australia on a student visa, which means she can only work a maximum of 24 hours a week.

Another woman told the jobs app that she makes $24 an hour working at before and after school care on a casual contract.

I just sent an email and got the job, she said, adding that she was also studying to become an occupational therapist.

When asked what key skills are needed to do the job she said, being patient, being able to work with kids and not losing your temper.

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